Articles scientifiques


  • Baral, S.K., Danyagri, G., Girouard, M., Hébert, F., and Pelletier, G. 2016. Effects of suppression history on growth response and stem quality of extant northern hardwoods following partial harvests. Forest Ecology and Management. 372: 236-246. [LINK]

  • Castle, M., Weiskittel, A., Wagner, R., Ducey, M., Frank, J., and Pelletier, G. 2017. Variation in stem form and risk of four commercially important hardwood species in the Acadian Forest: implications for potential sawlog volume and tree classification systems. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 47: 1457-1467. [LINK]
  • Castle, M., Weiskittel, A., Wagner, R., Ducey, M., Frank, J., and Pelletier, G. 2018. Evaluating the influence of stem form and damage on individual-tree diameter increment and survival in the Acadian Region: implications for predicting future value of northern commercial hardwood stands. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 48: 1007-1019. [LINK].

  • Danyagri, G., Baral S.K., Girouard M., Guy Adégbidi, H., and Pelletier G. 2017. The role of advanced regeneration at time of partial harvest on tolerant hardwood stands development. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 47: 1410-1417. [LINK]

  • Danyagri, G., Baral S.K., and Pelletier, G. 2019. Effects of disturbance and site factors on sapling dynamics and species diversity in northern hardwood stands. Forest Ecology and Management 444: 225-234. [LINK]

  • Frank J., Castle M. E., Westfall J. A., Weiskittel A. R., MacFarlaneD. W., Baral S. K., Radtke P J., and Pelletier, G. 2018. Variation in occurrence and extent of internal stem decay in standing trees across the eastern US and Canada: evaluation of alternative modelling approaches and influential factors. Forestry 91: 382-399. [LINK]

  • Goodbody, T.R.H., Coops, N.C., Hermosilla, T., Tompalski, P., and Pelletier G. 2018. Vegetation Phenology Driving Error Variation in Digital Aerial Photogrammetrically Derived Terrain Models. Remote Sensing 10: 1554:1-15. [LINK]

  • Henneb, M.; Pelletier, G.; Fortin, M.; Thiffault, N.; Giroux, M.-A. 2012. Modeling tolerant hardwood sapling density and occurrence probability in the Acadian forests of New Brunswick, Canada: Results 14 years after harvesting. The Forestry Chronicle. Vol 97, no.2. [LINK]

  • Labelle, E.R., Pelletier, G., and Soucy, M. 2018. Developing and Field Testing a Tool Designed to Operationalize a Multitreatment Approach in Hardwood-Dominated Stands in Eastern Canada. Forests 9, 485:1-14. [LINK]
  • Labelle, E.R., Soucy, M. Cyr, A., and Pelletier, G. 2016. Effect of Tree Form on the Productivity of a Cut-to-Length Harvester in a Hardwood Dominated Stand. Crojfe Journal of Forest Engineering. 37:175-183. [LINK]


  • Landry, S., St-Laurent, M.H., Pelletier, G and Villard, M.A.2020.The Best of Both Worlds? Integrating Sentinel-2Images and airborne LiDAR to Characterize Forest Regeneration. Remote Sensing 12, 2440: 1-16. [LINK]


  • Landry, S., St-Laurent, M.H., Nelson, P.R. Pelletier, G and Villard, M.A.2019. Canopy Cover Estimation from Landsat Images: Understory Impact on Top-of-canopy Reflectance in a Northern Hardwood Forest. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing,1-13. [LINK]


  • MacLean, D.A.; Adams, G.; Pelletier, G.;Amos-Blinks, L.; Carle, J.-F.; Chicoine, B.; Colford-Gilks, A.; Forget, P.; Haché, S.; Henderson, J.; La France, K.; Poulin, J.-F.; Smith, M.; Ward, C.; Witkowski, A. Beckley, T.M.; Béland, M.; Betts, M.G.; Erdle, T.A.; Forbes, G.J.; Frego, K.; Kershaw Jr, J.A.; Roberts, M.R.; Roy, R.; Samson, C.; Villard, M.-A.; Wagner, R.G.; and Wilson, J.S. 2010. Forest Dynamics, Succession and Habitat Relationships Under Different levels of Silviculture. Sustainable Forest Management Network, Edmundston, Alberta. 75 pages. [LINK]


  • Nuijten, R.J.G., Coops, N.C., Goodbody, T.R.H., Pelletier, G. 2019. Examining the Multi-Seasonal Consistency of Individual Tree Segmentation on Deciduous Stands Using Digital Aerial Photogrammetry (DAP) and Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS). Remote Sensing. 11, 739: 1-18. [LINK]


  • Pelletier, G.; Pitt, D.G. 2008. Silvicultural responses of two spruce plantations to mid-rotation commercial thinning in New Brunswick. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38: 851-867. [LINK]


  • Vandendaele, B.; Fournier, R.A.; Vepakomma, U.; Pelletier, G.; Lejeune, P.; Martin‐Ducup, O. Estimation of Northern Hardwood Forest Inventory Attributes Using UAV Laser Scanning (ULS): Transferability of Laser Scanning Methods and Comparison of Automated Approaches at the Treeand Stand Level. Remote Sensing. 2021, 13, 2796. [LINK]


  • Zukswert, J.M., Pelletier, G., Weiskittel A.R., and Frank, J. 2018. Factoring form and risk: using NHRI’s tree classification system to refine models. Cooperative Forestry Research Unit: 1-4. [LINK]