Key Activities
Knowledge Production
Leading the digital transformation of the forest sector to begin harnessing the power of rapidly improving technologies.
Research Areas
Since its inception, NHRI has always strived towards a research model to effectively provide tangible benefits to the forest sector. This requires relevance feasibility and timeliness.
Research must focus on problem-solving, be undertaken by mixed and flexible team.
Current Research Initiatives
Silviculture Research
- Maintaining high quality sugar maple stands through adaptive management.
- Intermediate treatments
- Improvements and implementation of NHRI’s Silviculture Prescription System
- Regeneration success
- Growth and yield prediction
- Adaptive silviculture implementation
Silviculture Toolbox
- Tactical Silviculture Planner
- HQHP (High Quality Hardwood Potential) Mapping
- Treatment Simulator
- Strategic Forest Management
Digitalization of Value Chain
- Precision Forest Inventories
- Digital Timberlands 20/20
- Precision Harvest Treatment Tool
On-Going Projects
Results-driven partnerships